Can You Relate?
You never imagined your family life like this.
After all, you’re an accomplished, intelligent person! And yet, your spirited four-year old is writhing on a sticky kitchen floor in a full-tilt-boogie meltdown because you had the temerity to give her the juice she asked for in the wrong cup.
Your 12-year-old son, frustrated by a math problem, just picked up his worksheet and pencil and stomped out of the room, because “you guys never help me with anything!”
You’ve got a work meeting on Zoom in five minutes. There’s no time to go to the bathroom first. And, oh, yeah--the cat’s puking.
You’re Tired.
Who wouldn’t feel some combination of helplessness, defeat, and exhaustion? You’re tired of repeating yourself. Tired of the reinforcements that aren’t working. You’re tired of the guilt, because you can’t seem to “fix” your child’s behavior.
You Feel Guilty.
That guilt is only reinforced when some humble parent on social media mentions that “her daughter is reading only 3 grades ahead.” Seriously, what sadist invented the hashtag #momgoals? Your only goal for today is to find some peace and ease.
It's all about figuring out what your kids need, how you can provide it, and what YOU need. Every small victory is a big victory." -Jessica H. Day